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Monday, July 23, 2012

Monday Made It

Today, I'm linking up for

I have not joined this linky until now, so I'm so excited!!! Go to her site to join up here.

Well, you saw my post a couple of weeks ago about my No Sew Curtains that I made. No? Well, check it out, here. Anywho...I made those curtains before I found out I could PAINT MY CLASSROOM!!!! What?!?! We have never been allowed this luxury! We all had a kind of drab off white/pale yellow in our rooms. Here was my room before...please ignore all the cr-stuff that's everywhere...

Yes, I went ahead and hung my curtains because I was so excited about them!!! So, as I was saying, we got an email in the early summer saying if we wanted to paint our rooms we needed to get a color approved asap before our principal left for the summer. I was going on vacay in a matter of days at that point and I just knew I wouldn't have enough time to choose a color, get said color approved, etc. So I just said, Maybe next summer.

A couple of weeks ago I went up to school and went to see my friend's classroom because I knew she painted her room. Wowwie Wow Wow as Junie B would say! I fell in love with the lime green on her walls that was the EXACT same color as my curtains!!! I quickly texted my principal and did a tad bit of whining and pleading and she said, Sure you can paint it that same color....


Taaa daaa!!!!
I love it! You can see a little glimpse of the curtains in the corner. I will take a pic again as I get my other curtains up and stuff put away! I only painted the one wall you see in the pic. The other walls are cinder (sp?) blocks. Huh uh. I'm not touching those. I don't have that kind of time. I whipped this out in a couple of hours

You should see my school now! There are greens and blues and I'm even hearing of a lilac, yet I haven't seen it. It's like an ice cream truck crashed into our school!!! Lol! It's great!

Do you have colorful classrooms?


  1. I wish we could paint our classrooms. That color looks fantastic!! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

    1. Thanks!!! I'm really happy with it! I can't wait to get everything cleaned up and ready!
      Maybe it'll become a trend and everyone will start painting in schools!!!
      Thanks for your comment!

  2. How great that you can paint your classroom! Ours are white, we can't do anything painting related, because that is the job of the district painters. :( That's probably why my bulletin boards are super bright.
    Enjoy your colorful room! (And the ice cream color mix at your school.


  3. Hi I'm your newest follower! I love your blog! I'm passing along an award to you--you may have already received it! In that case you must be awesomely awesome! LOL Hop on over to my blog if you'd like to claim it! PS. I am totally jealous of the colors! We have only two shades of blue that we can use in our classrooms! I would love to branch out a little. HA!

    Debbie :-)
    K is for Kinderrific

    1. Thanks for following and for the award!!! I'm following you now, too!

  4. Wow! You're allowed to paint your own room? That is so cool! Love the colour, Jenny.

    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

  5. Wow! No paint for us! We have either a deep purple of an apple green accent wall in each of our classrooms though. Your color came out great! :-)

    Mrs. Dwyer’s A+ Firsties


Thanks for the comments!