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Saturday, February 16, 2013

What a Week!!!!

Let me just start by saying, Ohmiword, what a week!!!

For some reason my school district always schedules conferences around holidays. First conference the week of Halloween, second the week of Valentine's Day. I'm not sure who's great idea this is, but I don't agree with the planning.  So this past week was, conferences until 6 Monday and Tuesday, Valentine's Party on Thursday. I know. I am still alive, but just barely. I'm only still awake right now because of this...

This is worth staying awake a little longer. :) Notice my sweet girl laying on the floor. She is never far from my side. She looks like she's thinking, Oh great. One of those nights. Ha! How was your week? And let me also ask, do you have two sets of conferences for every student? It is pretty much mandatory that we meet with every parent, too. If we don't have 100% participation, they encourage us to do home visits. Let me say, in 16 years I've never had to do a home visit and I hope I never have to. I just sometimes feel silly at the second conference with those parents whose kids are doing just fine. They know their kids are fine, I know their kids are fine. And we sit and gush about how well the child is doing. I don't know...

For Valentine's Day, we did some conversation heart sorting thanks to Kristin A Teeny Tiny Teacher. I loved that they not only sorted the hearts but then they added them together. Great stuff! Go grab it for next year!!!

Next week we're starting our "American Contributions" unit. The first week we study George Washington, the next Abraham Lincoln and then Benjamin Franklin. I'll try and be more diligent and do some more posting to let you know how things are going. Thanks for staying with me although I have not done very well at keeping up with my blog. Life just seems to get in the way. :)

Thanks for reading!!!

1 comment:

  1. We have reports coming up soon:( but thank goodness no home visits.
    Have a great week!
    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs


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