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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Let's Get Acquainted!

I haven't really had any fabulous ideas to post lately, so I've found my best bet to keep me posting is joining in on linky parties. So today, here's the latest...

Thanks for the great Linky, Latoya! You can read her blog here.

So, you're supposed to take your initials and write about three things you like or like to do.

My initials are JLB.

J-Jammies. I've posted about them before. I love my jammies. I am in them as often as possible. I often put them on around 6:30, right after we put the twins in their jammies. That's all I have to say, right?! Yes, I have two year old twins and a 6 year old. All Boys. 
Enough said.
I deserve my jammies.

L-Levitate. Sometimes I can levitate.

Or....sometimes I look up L words on a scrabble list and see the word Levitate and think it would be funny if I said that.

I'm sorry. Seriously.

I can't pick just one, so it has to be Love and Laughter.

Like this. I mean, does it get any better?

I know all of you who are parents understand but I never knew how intense love 
could be until I had these three.
And laughter is mandatory in this house. No one can take themselves too seriously around here.

And B-Baseball! Specifically Razorback Baseball!!!
I love my hogs and I especially love sitting in the sun and watching those guys play some baseball.
Luckily, my boys are getting big enough now that we can all go and as long I keep giving them something to eat, they're good.

What do you think? You could link up. too, or just leave me a comment below. 

Do you live in your jammies, too?! Please tell me I'm not the only one.


  1. Most nights I get into my jammies when I get home from work!
    Polka Dot Kinders

  2. Hey, found you through the linky party!!! That's often the only way I can get a post in too is to join linky parties! I just don't have a ton to share and when I do I forget to take pics. I have got to get better at taking photos. As for the jammies, I'm with ya! I put mine on as soon as I get home every day.....shhhh! And with two twins and another one, you most certainly deserve it!!!

    Love your strawberries!!!

    The Bender Bunch

  3. The first thing I do when I get home is change into my jammies...nothing else will do!

    For the Love of First Grade

  4. I loved your post! Who doesn't like jammies? Haha. I know I am in them as soon as I can be. I love that you wrote levitate for your “L” word. I had to look up words that start with K and I came up with kebobs. I am your newest follower.


    Ms. Richards's Musings


Thanks for the comments!